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“Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to pray.
While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were conversing with him, Moses and Elijah. . . .  Peter and his companions had been asleep, but becoming fully awake,
they saw his glory and the two men. . . . Peter said to Jesus, ‘Master, it is good that we are here.'”
Luke 9:28-33

How much of the magnificence of God (in our midst)
do we miss
by sleeping through it,
bored or tired by events and things
that will be forgotten by us
in the not-far-off future?

How much time we waste
as God patiently waits
for us to let in the graces, the blessings,
the joy God is endlessly offering each of us!

Let us gather for Mass this weekend to experience the dazzling Resurrected Jesus.
With our whole hearts may we proclaim,
“Master, it is good that we are here.”

As we ponder these statements from Fr. Tim’s Bulletin column, may we be filled with gratitude for God’s patienty waiting for us to “get it” – how much God loves us, in spite of our blindness to God, and is continually offering us grace to amend our searching and turn our attention to being the persons God hopes we will become.  How often have I refused to receive these graces of conversion?.


What graces is God sending my way this Lent?

What can I do to allow myself to be more of the “me” God intends me to be?

Sister Loretta

From Fr, Tim’s Column:

“The Church understands the miracle of the Transfiguration as a preparation of Peter, James and John, three of Jesus’ disciples, for later interpreting the definitive revelation of His Messiahship as Jesus would hang, dying, on the Cross.”

During Lent we review highlights of that story of God’s faithfulness despite repeated violations of the Covenant by His People.”

“As we progress on our Lenten journey, in the bright light of our spiritual ‘desert’ that allows more penetrating insight into our life choices, may we keep our focus tight on the One Who calls us to that endless glory.”


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