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Choose a Path for Reaching My Goal

Each person has to find their own path to becoming the person that is the best of who they were created to be. For me, it grew out of my natural inquisitive nature.


I have few memories of the early years of my life, but one that I remember is of me as a girl of six or seven, kneeling in church and praying. I and my classmates were asked to pray for a seriously ill person whom we knew, so, as requested, I went into the church, genuflected, knelt and, looking up at the large crucifix hanging on the front wall, prayed, “Please, God, make Father well again.” But that day, something made me think, “Wait a minute. What are you doing? Do I, a pretty insignificant little girl, think that God is listening to me?” I do not remember what I did next, but I thought a lot about it and finally concluded that I believed God would do that; God was listening to me! And that filled me with more joy than all the cake, ice cream and gifts of the best ever Birthday celebration. This same reality holds true for everyone who is reading this. No matter your age, your past or anything else, you are just as “significant” as I was then and am now.

From that day forward, all I ever wanted was to be with God. Oh, I do not mean that I was fully aware of God’s presence every second of the day. Quite the contrary, since that time (and even now) I have made a lot of bad choices, missed a lot of God-offered graces and messed up situations where I was supposed to be helping, not hurting someone. But somehow, even in the midst of my life’s joys and trials, I have found my way, trusting that, for the most part, I am letting God lead the way. 

I do, however, remember a time when my outlook on life and my relationship with God and others experienced a seismic shift. This happened as a result of my initial three-year training to become Sister of Mercy which was an experience probably quite similar to that of going through an Army boot camp – leaving behind the life you knew and stepping into a totally new way of thinking and living. I and twenty other young women had to learn to live in a “God-centered environment,” more than that, we had to cooperate with our trainers, each other and, of course, God to create and maintain that “God-centered environment” which meant letting ourselves be transformed into more God-centered persons. Once I made my vows (a graduation with a commitment!), I received the privilege of living with several very God-centered religious women. How blessed I was and still am for their example and their willingness to work with me in my becoming what, in God’s eyes, I am meant to be. 

What I hope to do on this website is share some of what I have learned and thankfully built into my daily, weekly, monthly and annual routines, sort of like a top-rated athlete, musician or doctor does to become the best in their field. After all, isn’t being the best you that you can be worth an over-the-top amount of attention, effort and discipline? Just think about the joy and sense of accomplishment those top winners of Nobel Prizes, Oscars, Grammys and sports’ trophies! Do you think they considered it worth what they put into getting there? And, as with any profession, the training period is not forever. 

My training took place while I was going to college and once I got onboard with the process and scheduled some time for growth-oriented procedures that fit with my life schedule and needs, I was able to grow a relationship with God and through God with the people I met as my life progressed from teaching to actuarial work to adult faith formation work, and with being an integral part of my family and my religious community. My life had and still has purpose and meaning. Even the hard times were not that hard. My time studying faith and Scripture brought, not only a deeper love of God and people, it also changed my perspective and added joy and hope to everything.

Brief Desccription of Basic Training for the Christian Path

The main areas of training that one should focus on are (1) finding that we are centered in God, (2)incorporating prayer time, i.e., spending time placing yourself in the presence of God, speaking to and listening to God, (3) incorporating time for learning more about God and the Christian faith, (4) progressing in letting God help you in the gradual transformation of yourself into your own image of God, pulsating in harmony with the Trinity’s ever flowing giving/receiving love, (5) incorporating set times (daily, weekly, monthly, annually) to assess progress. Use this link to take  quick look at these five exercise routines that ensure a successful, joyful walk on the Christian life path.

What's the Goal of Walking the Christian Path

So, what does it mean to walk the Christian path? It means striving to be their own genuine version of a God-centered person now and to become more of that as one walks into the future – to become the person you are meant to be, doing so, all the while praying to God the Father, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and through, with and in God the Son, Jesus Christ.



That is why I am writing this blog: I’m hoping that someone reading this may think something like this might make a difference in their life.  


Can you imagine any sports team winning a championship if its players and coaches waited for God or someone else to make it happen? But really, God did make a miracle: It is us – you and me! You are God’s Miracle! I am God’s miracle! God created our minds and bodies capable of achieving everything within the potential that is within us. I guess you could say the miracle is what we are becoming in, through and with the help of God.

When was the last time you made an honest and sincere plea for God’s guidance (for God’s guidance, not for God’s help)?

Sister Loretta

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