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Fourth Sunday of Advent - Lectionary 12

“Brothers and sisters:
When Christ came into the world, he said:
    “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
        but a body you prepared for me. . . .
    Then I said, ‘Behold, I come to do your will, O God.’”
Hebrews 10:5

St. Paul’s above explanation of Jesus’ message is that God desires me to offer Him the “body that God has prepared for me” instead of what most Israelites of their day thought God wanted from them: “sacrifice and offering.” So, what is this “body” that God has prepared for me? Is it my body as it is right now, as it will be at Christ’s second coming in the End Times or as it could be in the near future should I be attentive to my Creator-inserted, inner body/psyche reactions to stimuli? 

I believe that God knew exactly what He wanted us to be and, instead of forcing us to be that way, He chose to give us a chance to work with Him in a lifelong co-creative process through which we could get to know him and choose to love him. It is up to us to discover and learn to use the tools He has placed within us, among us and around us. 


St. Luke’s account of the Visitation of Mary related her cousin Elizabeth’s reaction to John the Baptist’s movement inside her womb:

“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting,
the infant leaped in her womb, 
and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. . .”  
Luke 1:41

Might Bodily Reactions Be Growth or Conversion Triggers?

How often, if ever, do we think about whatever it is that is triggering our feelings and emotions?  Might feelings be God-installed response signals alerting us that something is happening that is affecting us and we need to be careful before enjoying it or stepping aside from it?

What happens within me when I gaze at a sunset or watch snow falling from the sky or smell fresh baked bread or see my grandchild’s eyes light up when she sees me?

What happens within me when I’m stuck in traffic and late for an appointment, or receive a grade that is lower than I think my work deserves, or have an argument with a family member, or lose a friend I thought I would have forever? 

How do I react and respond? What of my thinking, my values, my life, my hopes and dreams, my fears, etc. are being satisfied or threatened? And what does that tell me about what I truly believe and hold dear?


Rejoice! God made us this way! Why? Might it be that God “wired” us so that we would be able to have a part in transforming ourselves for better or worse?

“I praise you, my God, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.” Psalm 139:14

Sister Loretta

Suggestions: If you don’t already do this, try spending a few minutes each day, perhaps in the evening, going over your day. Review what happened during the day, what feelings and emotions were triggered within you, what caused them and what that says to you about yourself, your relationships and your real top values and priorities.


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