As we approach the end of the Liturgical Year, the Readings focus on questions about our existence after our earthly lives. Let us ponder our lives in their totality – as a journey that begins with God at conception and goes all the way with God to our deaths and beyond our deaths. How often do we say “Hello” to our companion Triune God, Who sent Jesus to assure us that God is ever with us?
“We trust, by the mercy of God, that our lives will culminate in eternal union with Him in heaven. The tour director of this remarkable travel is God, Who is in charge, has an itinerary, knows what He’s doing, and walks with us. Our history, and the world’s, is His-story. We accompany one another on this pilgrimage of life. The Church is that group of folks who realize they are on a sacred trip together and who offer help during the difficult stages.” Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan. Who Do You Say I Am? (p. 312). The Crown Publishing Group, 2019.
Sister Loretta Fernandez RSM