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Respect Life Month is an opportunity for us to change the world for the better, to make it more of a place where everyone feels loved and respected.


Here is a suggested project that provides an opportunity for reflection and discussion of our Catholic Respect Life Teachings, as well as an opportunity to make the world more socially friendly and responsible. The activity can be done by one’s self, but making it an interactive group activity would not only help make the world a better place, it would be our collective responding of Jesus’ directive to “Go out and spread the Gospel message to all the world.”

THE CHALLENGE:  Consider how the present day culture and media reinforce or work to weaken the values that are supported by our Church’s Social Teachings which have their foundation in the Gospel teachings of Jesus. Then commit to doing something to make the world, our town and our homes more Socially aligned with the way God would want them and us to be.

Activity Theme

Activity Process and Outcome:
Process:  Take time to (1) gather, (2) reflect on and (3) share insights on the societal ramifications of the things we see, read and experience everyday. Then (4) create and commit to a personal plan to become more respectful of life.

Outcome:  (1) A deepened realization of the impact on our personal viewpoint of what we see and hear in our everyday life (2) a leading of myself (ourselves) to an increased supports of the actions and initiatives that make our world more Life-Respecting.

Ask a group of people (family, friends, parishioners, neighbors) to celebrate Respect Life Month (October), by assessing the the Respect Life messages, or lack thereof, in what we see, hear and read during our everyday lives. Is it mostly respectful of life or destructive of life as God created life to be?

Collect pictures and articles and create a collage from these pictures and/or articles that (1) show respect for life being expressed in many different ways or (2) show a lack of respect for life. (If you prefer or cannot be part of such a group, do the activity alone. Perhaps encourage others to do likewise.)

Create a Poster. It can be a physical posterboard one or a social media one.  Across the top of the Poster, write the title, “LIFE-RESPECTING” and across the Bottom, write “NOT LIFE-RESPECTING”.

Here is a link to a list of Catholic Social Teachings with a brief description of each teaching.  Spend a week or so looking in the magazines, newspapers, on TV and on the web for pictures, headlines, or articles that either express respect for life as described in the Church’s Social Teachings or disrespect for them.
Paste or post the images and articles (or descriptions of them) on your physical or digital Poster, those  expressing respect for life under the poster’s top heading and those disrespecting life above (or under) the poster’s bottom heading.

Spend another few days or a week looking at the collected images and reading the articles.  Ponder what you see:  What supports the Church’s teachings and what seems to “teach” against the Church’s teachings?  What, if anything, do you, as a disciple of Jesus, feel called to do?  Create a doable plan of what you (or you as part of a group) are willing do (study, do, communicate) to make our lives and our world more Respectful of Life.

Have an end-of-the-month meeting where you share your insights.

We will create and provide a link to a Respect Life Blog where we hope you will share a summary of your family’s or your own Respect Life insights and plan.



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