The Mass: In one respect, something like the beginning of the Star Wars Movie
“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. . . .”
. . . No, not far, far away! Just very different from us who are living in space and time. So, in a way similar to what we have to do – and it gives us great pleasure when we do it in a movie theater – when we gather in church for Mass, we have to step into a different reality. And it is also letting ourselves enjoy the wonder and sense of openness to trying to be in the presence of God – in God’s “spacelessness and timelessness.”
Yes, this is hard for us, but can’t we try to use something like what we do to sense the wonder and otherness that we experience in going to the movies or to Disneyworld? After all, we can let ourselves enter fully into those experiences only because God gave us the ability to do so by making that ability part of our human nature. So, might God not have wanted us, not only to use this amazing ability to take in and enjoy those things that we can take in with our senses, but also to discover, participate and enjoy being in God’s presence?
So, let’s come to Mass this weekend with this in mind. And, as in the movie theater, let’s be conscious of – and enjoy being with God and God’s celebrating community of humble disciples expressing our love-filled gratitude to our awesome God.
Sister Loretta