“The Truman Show is a 1998 American psychological comedy drama film[4] written and co-produced by Andrew Niccol, and directed by Peter Weir which depicts the story of Truman Burbank who is unaware that he is living his entire life on a 24-7 broadcast television reality show which has a huge international following in homes, bars and restaurants. All of his “friends,” family and members of his community are paid actors whose job it is to sustain the illusion and keep Truman in the dark about the fiction he is living.” Wikipedia
While this may, at first glance, seem strange, contrived and infeasible, Truman’s self-discovery is similar to what each of ours is. Then we have Christof who is the mastermind of this costly-to-Truman experiment. What is Christof’s goal? Why are the actors participating in the experiment? And the individuals in audience?
This movie review, The Hidden Genius of The Truman Show Movie, by artist, filmmaker Marcello Life explains the film through the mind’s eye of someone who thinks he gets the movie’s message. Does he? (My Reflection material is in green italics.)
Have we ever felt like Truman and Marcello? Is there something or Someone, perhaps our Creator wanting to work with us on moving beyond what we see and hear on the surface?
Who am I now and what am I going to be in the world as I see it? What is the “more that is out there”? Should I go for it?
Here is how William Jones, the administrator of the exciting website explainedthis.com, explains the significance of the characters in this movie. (The quotation from his explain this movie review are in blue. My Reflection material is in green italics.)
Truman Burbank, “the unsuspecting protagonist whose life is broadcast to the world. Initially content with his seemingly perfect existence, Truman becomes increasingly curious and unsettled by the inconsistencies he observes. As he embarks on a quest for truth and freedom, Truman’s transformation from a compliant individual to a courageous seeker of authenticity captivates the audience.”
Compare yourself to Truman: How much time have you spent searching, studying and directing yourself into living in a world that suits the “you” that you are meant to be? Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) postulates that only 10% of the world’s psychologically healthy people take themselves to a level of living where they experience genuine self-acceptance, spontaneity and independence. [Source: verywellmind.com] To which Maslow’s two groups does Truman belong? To which of these two groups do you belong?
The Director, Christof, buys the baby. “He represents the controlling forces of media and entertainment, meticulously orchestrating Truman’s life for the sake of ratings and entertainment. Christof’s complex character raises ethical questions about the boundaries of power and the responsibilities of those who control the narratives that shape society.”
Who and what is directing your life?